Tag Archives: deficiencies

Quick Guide for Body Chemistry Imbalances

All Body Chemical Imbalances can be divided into one of two categories:

Deficiencies in the required ingredients for homeostatic cell function. In America, we are plenty over fed with cheap and synthetically made sugar, protein, and fats. After a while of your body ingesting food that is not nutritious, our body starts to show signs of break down.


Toxicities that drive cell function away from hormonal imbalances and bodies homeostasis. Many instant fast foods, cheap grocery box foods, and many more kinds of personal beauty care products are bombarded with chemical treatments. We are innocently treating our selves with all kinds of chemicals that eventually can harm your body by toxicities.


Cells always function perfectly in relation to any given environment. Symptoms like pain, nausea, and any other apparent health problems represent important signals from cells telling you that there is something wrong, that there is deficiency or toxicity, and that they are under stress. The cells never function pathologically or incorrectly, the environment is pathological or unhealthy! In order to function properly and produce healthy cells you must have all requirements met and be free of deficiencies or toxicity.

Hierarchy of Requirements:
  1. Properly Functioning Nervous System
  2. Fresh Air
  3. Water
  4. Good Foods
Good Food Choices to Make
  1. Organic, vine ripened local fruits and vegetables
  2. Grass fed, antibiotic free and hormone free meats
  3. Wash the non-organic produce-use a natural cleaner
  4. Eat raw fruits and vegetables


Toxic Food Choices to Avoid:
  1. Fried food (fries, donuts, chips, etc)toxins1
  2. Processed and Non fiber carbohydrates (flour, pasta, bread, etc)
  3. Grains (limited whole grains-wild rice and whole oats)
  4. Dairy (limited non-pasteurized dairy)
  5. Juices (limited very diluted)
  6. Caffeine
  7. Sprayed, early harvested fruits and vegetables
  8. Grain fed, antibiotic fed, hormone fed or smoked meats
  9. Non-filtered or non-distilled water
  10. Dried fruits
  11. Hydrogenated fatstoxin-toxout-logo_03
  12. Partially hydrogenated fat
  13. Trans fats
  14. Added Salts
  15. MSG
  16. Hydrolyzed protein (disguised MSG)
  17. Aspartame and other artificial sweetners
  18. High Fructose Corn Syrup